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Residents and businesses in Delaware, Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New York, New Jersey, Texas, Illinois, Rhode Island, Maryland, Pennsylvania, and Washington DC.can get cheaper rates or even free electricity due to deregulation.


Deregulation is the restructuring of the energy industry to prevent monopolies. A utility company monopoly doesn’t have competition therefore suppliers can charge whatever they want for electricity without fear of losing customers. The effect of a monopoly is reflected in your high monthly bills.


Consumers nationwide have seen their bills increase month to month but we have the solution!


Deregulation has provided the monopolies with an increase in competition. This allows third party energy companies, like us, to enter the market. Now consumers finally have alternatives and can choose their own energy provider based on rates and customer service. The bottom line is you are free to shop around and obtain the best available price on electricity.


Before you read on it’s important to point out that changing services doesn’t require any additional equipment or new power lines to your home.


Everything remains the same and service will not be disrupted. You will still receive a bill from your current electric company but it will show a different energy supplier and usage rate. It usually takes 1-2 billing cycles to the new rate to take effect.


This service is available to renters, home owners, HOAs and business owners in fact any electricity consumer.


Our service is especially beneficial for all those on fixed incomes. We can’t raise the income but we can help lower expenses.


This website will explain in plain language the simple, quick process to easily reduce your electricity bill. If you have any questions please feel to call or complete the form on our contact page.


Want to know now what your new rate could be? Click the button below. Simply enter your zip code to immediately see your new rate.


No other information is required to check and there’s absolutely no obligation. You have absolutely nothing to lose except continuing to pay higher rates!


Check out our FREE Energy Club where you can receive up to 100% on your electricity.

Cheaper Or Even FREE Electricity In Many States

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